Integration of Environmental aspects into standardisation

Published: 19 September 2003

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

ORGALIME position paper answering to the on-line Internet consultation of stakeholders

As already stated in our position paper of 11 September 2002, our industries are committed and have already for many years been involved in reducing the environmental impact of our products at all stages of the life-cycle. We are already active both in CEN and CENELEC in promoting the introduction of environmental thinking into standardisation.

While our industries, at the present time, are major stakeholders in the standardisation process, we firmly believe that our commitment will be all the stronger, insofar as the efforts that we are making to adopt a pro-active approach for environmental aspects are duly recognised, and that standardisation continues to be a market-driven, voluntary and open process.

We therefore count on the Commission to avoid the temptation of introducing too many new factors in the standardisation process, underpinned by unnecessary and burdensome regulation.

We would of course be very pleased to discuss the matter further with your services.

This position was addressed to Commissioner Liikanen and Commissioner Wallström and their respective services in DG Enterprise and DG Environment.

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