For a horizontal alignment of sectoral product legislation with the New Legislative Framework
Published: 23 February 2009
Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement
In July 2008 the New Legislative Framework (NLF) was finally adopted in the form of Regulation (EC)765/2008 1 and Decision 2008/768/EC 2.
Orgalime welcomes Regulation 765/2008/EC which will come into force on 01/01/2010 in all Member States as a step forward to boost the role of market surveillance and custom controls and the obligations for Member States to carry them out.
Orgalime believes that most sectoral directives work satisfactorily and that there is no need for amendments to their technical content. Therefore, alignment of necessary elements with the NLF would be welcome as the general solution for product legislation in the engineering field. This should preferably be done simultaneously at horizontal level for New Approach directives applying to these products, e.g. such as the LVD (2006/95/EC), EMCD (2004/108/EC) and ATEX directive (94/9/EC).