Community Customs Code: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council

Published: 16 November 2004

Policies & Issues: Trade

In this position statement on a proposal to amend the Community Customs Code, Orgalime reinforces the messages outlined in our letter to the Commission of 20 April 2004; we also confirm our support for the concerns and demands expressed in UNICE’s letter to the Commission of 21 September 2004.

While we welcome the aim of simplifying and modernising customs legislation and procedures in the EU and worldwide, we are concerned by some of the practical changes certain Commission proposals imply. Orgalime’s letter therefore contains some suggested modifications to the proposal.

However, without full knowledge of the implementing measures, it is difficult for our industry to thoroughly assess the concrete implications of the Commission’s proposed text.

We would therefore like to encourage the Commission to work in close cooperation with interested parties on these measures.

References: COM (2003) 452-1

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