Boosting Europe’s Future Competitiveness as Key Priority for FP9 - 2nd Joint Declaration by Industry and RTOs

Published: 21 February 2018

Policies & Issues: R&D and Innovation

Orgalime has, along with 25 other signatories representing key industrial and research stakeholders, called on the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to develop the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme (FP9) with an appropriate design and budget, at the level of the ambitions of the Renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy. 

The crucial role of Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities to support and boost industrial leadership is now at the heart of the renewed European industrial Policy Strategy with the ultimate goal to benefit society. To boost competitiveness by increasing industry productivity, the EU needs to anticipate developments in the US and in Asia in key technology areas that form the basis of our society's future products and services. Accordingly, the FP9 design should reflect such priorities and aim at: 

• Maximising the impact of the EU funded RD&I for society, building on Horizon 2020's efforts. 

• Strenghtening European Industry's capacities to further absorb and scale up novel technologies matured into new products and services - with the support of H2020 and national RD&I programmes - and apply them in addressing global challenges.

• Strengthening Europe’s capabilities to keep on top of the “innovation race” with third countries in order to safeguard Europe’s economic growth and employment. The forthcoming FP9 should enable Europe to remain at the forefront of RD&I by supporting the development of innovative technologies and skills.

• Supporting European cross-border industry-driven collaborative RD&I, which is needed more than ever before to make the ongoing technological transitions a success for both the European economy and society.

To read the declaration in full, please download it above.


Rozenn Maréchal
Adviser - R&I, Economics & Statistics

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