Advanced Manufacturing: Seizing Europe’s opportunity to lead the global manufacturing transformation

Published: 15 June 2022

Policies & Issues: Advanced Manufacturing

Europe is in pole position in the global race to lead the transformation of manufacturing, but urgent action is needed if it is to retain and expand its competitive edge, according to a group of leading European industrialists.  

In a declaration issued today, the Executive Forum for Advanced Manufacturing highlights the importance of accelerating the uptake of these technologies, and identify three key priorities for action: 1. Scale up private and public investment 2. Catalyse industrial data sharing and use 3. Ensure market-driven standardisation.

To read it in full, please download the document above.

The Executive Forum comprises senior executives from leading providers and users of manufacturing technologies in Europe, all corporate members of Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries.  



Malte Lohan
Director General

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