Accession of Russia to the WTO
Orgalime welcomes the intention of Russia to join the WTO and its consequent commitment to respect WTO rules.
Orgalime hopes that the ongoing multilateral and bilateral negotiations will result in a balanced agreement. In this context we enclose our position, which outlines the priorities of our industry in a number of areas.
Related Position Papers
Joint Declaration: Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future [15 July 2024]
Trade: Orgalim recommendations for the CBAM transition period [18 June 2024]
Trade: Technology industries on both sides of the Atlantic call for an EU-U.S. agreement on conformity assessment [3 April 2024]
Trade: Joint Industry Statement in support of the EU-Mercosur FTA [15 January 2024]
Trade: Orgalim recommendations - European Economic Security Strategy [21 December 2023]
Trade: Joint letter in support of the EU-Mercosur FTA [5 July 2023]
Trade: Orgalim recommendations on the European Critical Raw Materials Act [20 June 2023]
Green Transition: Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) [30 May 2023]
Trade: Orgalim call for an EU-US Mutual Recognition Agreement on Conformity Assessment for Machinery and Electrical Equipment [10 May 2023]