Rada Rodriguez farewell: Reflecting on her Presidency

22 November 2023

Dear Members and Colleagues,

As I step down from my role as President of Orgalim, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared over the past four years. Last week marked the election of my successor Javier Ormazabal, and I'm confident Javier will not only continue our work but bring a fresh perspective and new momentum to the table.


A Journey of Transformation

In these moments of transition, there's a natural inclination to ponder the achievements and lessons learned. When I took the helm in 2019, we faced a Europe at a "fragile equilibrium," marked by societal trust teetering on the edge. The Green Deal emerged as a crucial response to climate change and a strategy to bolster trust in European institutions. Simultaneously, China's assertiveness and a shifting US landscape framed the challenges against which we crafted our strategy.

At the time, I decided to focus my Presidency around three key areas:

  • Elevate Orgalim’s voice:  Leveraging on the extensive subject matter expertise, establishing us as a compelling voice in a crowded lobby environment.

  • Collaboration: Strengthening ties with other EU organisations and national associations.

  • Internal Transformation: Enhancing our organisational resilience and efficiency.

Despite the envisioned continuous improvement, the reality unfolded differently – a period dominated by crisis management. Unprecedented events such as the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and geopolitical shifts forced us into rapid adaptation mode.

Collective Achievements and Recognition

In the face of adversity, we achieved significant milestones:

  • Established a clear industrial profile, championing industrial technologies as enablers of Europe’s climate and digital transitions.

  • Advocated for open markets, emphasising fair competition, global trade, and partnerships.

  • Underlined transversal technologies for EU competitiveness and positioned advanced manufacturing at the core of EU discussions on industrial strategy and net-zero industry.

  • Improved legislative outcomes on the Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, Chips Act, Data Act, Net Zero Industry Act, and the AI Act, among others.

  • Built political recognition of the challenges related to the "regulatory tsunami", addressing concerns and initiating dialogue on excessive regulation's competitiveness damage.

  • Strengthened Orgalim internally amid the pandemic, simplifying our work programme, introducing corporate membership and launching the Executive Forum for Advanced Manufacturing, modernising Orgalim’s statutes, implementing a new fee system, and streamlining internal decision-making processes.

While proud of our achievements, I also acknowledge my frustration stemming from the lost time due to the crisis. I would have liked to do much more.

Looking forward, I see several primary areas of focus:

Future Focus

  • Electrification and Resource Efficiency: Pushing for a stronger EU focus on these areas to balance current political priorities.

  • Adapting to a changed political discourse: Navigating the evolving political landscape concerning industrial policy and market interventions.

  • Addressing fragmentation: Seeking solutions to industry fragmentation to amplify our collective voice.


I note that the significant macroeconomic obstacles we faced when I assumed the Presidency in 2019 —such as People's trust in institutions, China's assertiveness, and US competitive advantages— persist, and have possibly even deepened. However, despite the disruptions, our transformation is evident:  we have steadfastly navigated, adapting and adjusting as necessary.

I am proud to leave behind a transformed organisation, bolder in its demands and recognised as a formidable voice for high-tech manufacturing in Europe.

My deepest gratitude to the Orgalim leadership - Malte, Eugenia, Oliver, Daniel, Anne-Claire - and their teams for their unwavering support. To all who contributed to this journey, thank you! As I step down, I leave Orgalim in capable hands.

Wishing Javier and all of you continued success and a bright future for Orgalim.

Thank you for the privilege of leading and learning with you.


Warm regards,