Economics and Statistics Report - Spring 2020
27 May 2020
Manufacturing in the Euro-area experienced a substantial deterioration in its business cycle as the impact of COVID-19 hit both the demand and supply sides of the technology industry. In the industries represented by Orgalim – a substantial part of Europe's total industry – the reduction in output was unprecedentedly strong, overtaking that experienced during the financial crisis of 2008-2009. As hard data will only be available at the earliest in the second half of 2020, we base the below analysis on business sentiment indicators. That being said, reports from Orgalim’s national member associations show a consistent picture of the significant impact of the crisis, with slight deviations in numbers.
Read below the new economic report, compiled by Orgalim's economists, highlighting the impacts of COVID-19 and the unprecedented steep decline it has caused for Europe’s technology industries.