Response to Public Energy Retail Market Consultation

Published: 16 April 2014

Policies & Issues:

Our industry supplies technologies throughout the entire energy value chain, from generation, transmission, distribution to (private and industrial) end use, while it depends on reliable and continuous access and availability of energy at cost-reflective and efficient prices for its own manufacturing processes in Europe. The industry is also the target of the Eco design and Energy Labelling Directives, for which implementation is ongoing for some 46 product groups of our sector. 

The European engineering industries welcome the Commission’s public consultation on the Energy Retail Market and possibility to provide comments to the debate. 

We regret that the stakeholder questionnaire does not recognise the role of technology providers in itself in the given list of different roles of the responding stakeholder in the energy market. The structure of some 10 questions and suggested multiple choice answers do unfortunately not allow for a response by Orgalime in its nature as a European association [more in download]