Orgalime’s answer to the European Commission’s evaluation roadmap of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU

Published: 27 November 2017

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

The Low Voltage Directive (LVD) ensures the free circulation of electrical products (in the voltage range between 50 V. AC/ 75 V. DC and 1000 V. AC/ 1500 V. DC) in the EU market, provided that these comply with essential safety requirements for all users. In place since 1973, the LVD was the first European Directive to adopt the ‘New Approach’ regulatory model, and has provided industry with a stable means of demonstrating legal compliance while upholding a high level of health and safety ever since.

The engineering sectors represented by Orgalime place great value on the fact that despite changes in technology over the years, the core elements of the LVD have remained unchanged. The European Commission has now released an evaluation roadmap to assess whether the Directive continues to achieve its objectives, particularly in light of developments such as digitisation and the Internet of Things.

Our industry firmly believes that the LVD remains fit for purpose. Orgalime’s comments on the roadmap underline this belief by addressing a number of key points:

- The LVD is ready for the challenges that may arise from the digitisation of electrical devices and household appliances, and their coexistence with the Internet of Things.

- The LVD scope is fit for placing safe electric products on the market, including below 50 V.

- Safeguard clauses and objections to harmonised standards are not a good reason to call for a revision of the LVD.

- The interface between LVD and other EU Directives does not raise any issue.

We are therefore confident that the Commission’s evaluation will provide further evidence that the LVD remains one of the most reliable pieces of Internal Market legislation. If any legal or enforcement problems are identified, we believe these can and should be addressed without revising the Directive.

To read the position in full, please download the document above. 


Philippe Portalier
Director - Better Regulation, Compliance and Standards

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