Orgalime Position Paper on Inductive and Capacitive Proximity Switches and Sensors

Published: 30 June 2017

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

Proximity switches and sensors either use a magnetic field to detect objects (inductive switches) or an electrical field (capacitive switches). The switches and sensors have been used for several decades in an extremely large number of industrial applications as for example in the automation industry. In 2016 approximately 30 million proximity switches and sensors were sold by European manufacturers into the European market with a turnover of approximately 578 million euros.

Orgalime believes that they are appropriately covered by the requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility directive (EMCD) and their technology does not cause them to fall under the scope of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED). We believe the European Commission’s advice to Member States and European Standards Organisations should follow the interpretation and market practice that has supported a very dynamic sector successfully thriving for over 25 years without safety issues or problems for the radio spectrum.


Philippe Portalier
Director - Better Regulation, Compliance and Standards

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