Orgalime contribution to the Consultation on Delivering more Sustainable Consumption and Production

Published: 5 April 2012

Policies & Issues: Environment

Orgalime welcomes the consultation “Delivering more Sustainable Consumption and Production” and the opportunity to comment.

However, the format considered appears to us as inappropriate as it pre-indicates certain choices (i.e. extension of the Eco design Directive to further products and further parameters), which Orgalime strongly object to, as we do not believe that consultation should lead to foregone conclusions on the way forward, in particular when these suggest yet more modifications of the legal framework. Such an approach is clearly not in line with Better Regulation and transparent policy and regulatory approach.

Therefore, we raise our comments by this means taking into account the background document and the questionnaire and we would like to contribute to the ongoing consultation, especially on the three following issues:

* Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Sustainable Industrial policy (SIP)
* Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)
* Environmental Footprint of Organisations (OEF)

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