Orgalime comments on the ODELIA draft report on the study on the current scope and limit values of Directive 2000/14/EC

Published: 21 September 2015

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

Following the presentation of the Outdoor Equipment Noise Limit Assessment (ODELIA) draft report in early July 2015 by the consultant, TNO, Orgalime is pleased to send its comments on the horizontal issues applicable to all sectors. Any further sector specific concerns and remarks will be sent directly to the consultant.

In the framework of the ongoing revision process of Directive 2000/14/EC, the consultant was requested to assess the current scope and the limit values of the above mentioned directive. Orgalime welcomes the revision of this Directive which will contribute to improving the functioning of the internal market and increasing the availability of environmentally conscious equipment, taking into account not only the new products that have emerged since the entry into force of Directive 200/14/EC, but also the environmental instruments which have flourished. Nevertheless, Orgalime has concerns regarding the methodology and tools recommended to be used to set limit values for equipment used outdoor.


Eleonora Piccinni
Manager - Technical Regulation

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