Orgalime comments on the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on Gas Appliances

Published: 29 September 2014

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

Orgalime welcomes the Commission proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on appliances burning gaseous fuels (GAR). Although the existing Gas Appliances Directive (GAD 2009/142/EC) has been working satisfactorily so far, this revision sustains its ‘New Approach’ philosophy. It also outlines a better and clearer definition of the equipment under the scope of the directive, and extends the scope to include new technologies which have flourished over the years.
Orgalime is pleased that its active contribution over the past few years in the preparatory work of the current revision was taken into consideration to some extent. Nevertheless, we are pleased to give hereafter our first opinion on the Commission’s proposal.

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