Merger of Noise from Outdoor Equipment Directive 2000/14/EC with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Published: 31 May 2013

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

The European Commission is currently assessing the feasibility of integrating the Noise from Outdoor Equipment Directive 2000/14/EC into the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.  Therefore, the Commission has undertaken a study to evaluate the current approaches to noise emissions from machinery and examine the possibility of merging the requirements on noise emissions into one legislative act with a view to simplifying EU legislation.

The questionnaire, which has been made available to stakeholders, has been widely distributed among Orgalime members and European sector associations who will reply on all main technical questions.

Orgalime welcomes the Commission’s efforts to simplify legislation but would like to draw attention to some issues which might arise in the course of this simplification exercise.

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