Internal Market: Orgalim comments on policy options identified after the OND Evaluation

Published: 26 February 2021

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries, would like to thank the European Commission for the opportunity to provide an opinion on the two policy options being considered: Delegated Act to amend the measurement methods or a complete revision of the Outdoor Noise Directive (OND 2000/14/EC).

We welcome the overall positive assessment of the OND evaluation process across the five evaluation criteria, and we acknowledge that some gaps need to be addressed to bring the Directive in line with current technological developments. However, the current economic situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis has forced different priorities on European manufacturing companies.

Regarding the two options put forward by the Commission, European technology manufacturers support the revision of Annex III on measurement methods through the option of a Delegated Act.

To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.


Le Goff-Jedrzejowicz
Helena Le Goff-Jedrzejowicz
Adviser - Internal Market

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