Environment: Financing key enablers of the green transition: Orgalim position on the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities

Published: 6 October 2021

Policies & Issues: Environment

  The taxonomy framework should reflect the fact that our technologies and their manufacturing processes are key enablers of the green transformation of the economy and society 

Malte Lohan

Orgalim, representing Europe’s technology industries, welcomes the European Commission’s efforts in shaping the EU taxonomy framework and redirecting capital flows towards economic activities leading to a sustainable and climate-neutral Europe. "The uptake of a wide range of technologies, systems and services is a key factor for achieving the ambitious climate and sustainability goals in the European Union and beyond," says Malte Lohan, Orgalim’s Director General. "Therefore, the taxonomy framework should reflect the fact that our technologies and their manufacturing processes are key enablers of the green transformation of the economy and society".

In this paper, we ask EU policymakers engaged in developing the taxonomy framework to:

  • Acknowledge Europe’s technology industries as enablers for a sustainable future;

  • Ensure that taxonomy encourages innovation and competitiveness;

  • Improve governance and transparency;

  • Keep reporting cost-effective;  

  • Make taxonomy more inclusive;

  • Guarantee the continuous flow of international capital.


To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.


Ivana Jakovljevic
Adviser - Corporate Sustainability and Industrial Policy

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