Draft Directive on workers' protection from exposure to electro-magnetic fields and waves (EMF)

Published: 20 March 2003

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

WEM / Orgalime position

Orgalime has developped in close co-ordination with WEM (our sister organisation representing employers’ federations) and many European sector organisations a position paper on the Amended Commission Proposal for a Directive on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields and waves) as revised by the past Danish Presidency.

WEM and ORGALIME believe that the present draft Directive is ill conceived and has been re-activated without any consideration of its implications on business or employment. It is surprising that, at a time when the EU is claiming to be reviewing its governance and adopting better regulation principles, such a wide-ranging initiative should be launched without the least regulatory impact assessment. Such an initiative is certainly not in line with the Commission and Member States’ vision of promoting a favourable business environment, as stated in the recent Communication on 'industrial policy in an enlarged Europe' and in the letter addressed by Chancellor Schröder, President Chirac and Prime Minister Blair to the Greek Presidency.

This position is supported by COCIR.

References: COM (92) 560 Final / Inter-institutional file 92/0449(COD)

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