Ditigal Transformation: Joint industry letter on the NIS2 trilogue negotiations

Published: 7 February 2022

Policies & Issues: Digital Transformation

Orgalim, together with two other associations representing sectors central to Europe’s digital transformation, welcome the recently launched institutional trilogue negotiations on a new Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2). To achieve the proposal’s aim of tackling the limitations of the current regime and achieving a more harmonised level of cybersecurity, the final text must be clear and reliable.

Our common priority through the NIS reform should be to remove inconsistencies in resilience across Europe and sectors by ensuring a high level of harmonisation. In doing so, we must also ensure that the reform does not unduly hamper the many entities that will be subject to the new framework.

To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.


Patrik Fritz
Adviser - Digital

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