Digital transformation: Building a real European Single Market for Cybersecurity - A call for a consistent approach – guiding principles

Published: 20 November 2019

Policies & Issues: Digital Transformation

Orgalim stands for a true European single market for cybersecurity and strongly opposes policies at EU and national levels that create fragmentation. Building a true single market for cybersecurity can only be done through a holistic approach with the New Legislative Framework at its heart and must be shaped together with industry and all relevant stakeholders. Our industries call on EU and national decision-makers to adhere to the following seven principles of “Good Cybersecurity Policy” that can serve as guidance to “make the single market fit for the digital age” as outlined by President-elect von der Leyen: 

1. A European approach to cybersecurity: to ensure a harmonised framework at EU level with the aim of building a real single market for cybersecurity. 

2. Consistent and coherent legal requirements: to avoid patchy, overlapping and inconsistent cybersecurity requirements in European legislation. 

3. To that end, we need to set common cybersecurity goals to ensure horizontal consistency: applying to the products, solutions, and processes. 

4. A risk-based approach further to the product’s intended use: ensuring that technical requirements are set based on the context of use and level of risks. 

5. Transparent and internationally recognised standards are key: to ensure that Europe’s industry is competitive globally. 

6. Build policies on existing industry measures: secure development processes are existing examples of good practice and must serve as the basis for any future cybersecurity policy. 

7. Competitiveness depends on enforcement and effective market surveillance: to ensure fair competition in the EU single market. 


To read the guiding principles in full, please download the document above.


Christoph Luykx
Policy Director

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