Digital Transformation: Joint industry statement - Digital and semiconductor sectors urge EU leaders to swiftly adopt the EU Chips Act

Published: 25 April 2022

Policies & Issues: Digital Transformation

The co-signatories of this statement represent the industrial end-to-end semiconductor ecosystem in Europe and globally. Chips are instrumental in realising the digital and green transition of our continent. Vital public policy goals like decarbonisation and societal inclusion through connectivity depend on a stable supply of both small and large node chips, as the European and global market demand.

We call for a swift adoption of the EU Chips Act as it can significantly accelerate progress on these policy goals. It is a step forward to attract crucial investments to build up extra chip manufacturing capacity and R&D in Europe.


To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.


Francesco Guerzoni
Senior Adviser - Digital and Legal

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