Additional comments on the alignment of the LVD and the EMCD with the New Legislative Framework

Published: 30 June 2010

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Product Safety Legislation

During the LVD and EMC working party meetings the Commission has invited stakeholders for a final round of comments until 30 June 2010.

Orgalime welcomes this opportunity to comment further on documents “(15) 11 NLF- LVD.doc” and “EMC_16_16 EMC alignment NLF_rev2.doc” which were respectively discussed during the LVD Working Party on 27 May 2010 and the EMC Working Party on 8 June 2010.  We appreciate that the majority of our concerns, as expressed in our position paper "Alignment of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC with the New Legislative Framework" (12/11/2009) and "Alignment of the LVD 2006/95/EC with the New Legislative Framework" (15/12/2009), have been addressed.

Orgalime also welcomes the Commission approach to align the text of the LVD and EMCD as closely as possible to the model provided in the New Legislative Framework (Regulation 765/2008/EC and Decision 768/2008/EC), thereby striving to avoid any deviations that would not be duly justified.

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