Join Orgalim

As a member of Orgalim, you will be part of an influential network, contribute to shaping the policy framework for your industry and gain access to unrivalled regulatory insights and intelligence.

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By joining Orgalim, you will become part of an influential network of industry representatives and benefit from opportunities to connect, collaborate, share knowledge and build partnerships – within and across industry sectors.

Orgalim has been a trusted partner representing Europe’s technology industries in Brussels for 70 years. Thanks to this, we have a proven record of shaping the EU policy framework on the issues that matter to you. With around 80% of national and regional legislation in Europe coming from Brussels, influencing EU policy is a must for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve.

Orgalim’s advocacy work covers a broad spectrum of policy and regulatory issues. As a member of Orgalim, you will gain exclusive access to our extensive expertise, insights and intelligence, making sure you are always at the heart of developments affecting your business as they happen.

Orgalim plays a key role in connecting industry with policymakers. We organise events and offer conference speaking opportunities, roundtables and publications that enable our members to increase their visibility and thought leadership profile.


Orgalim membership takes three forms: full membership for national associations, associate membership for European sector associations and corporate membership for individual companies. Only full members are entitled to vote in the General Assembly.


Our national industry association members determine the national political direction and priorities, whilst reinforcing the depth of our network. Strongly rooted in their respective countries and industries, they not only contribute valuable insights and intelligence on national issues and policy developments but also contribute with their the national-level policy advocacy work.

Our network currently counts 28 national industry associations. These represent industry at a national level in many European member states. Access the full list of our national members.

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Our European sector associations members extend the breadth of our network. They enable us to identify, share and escalate transversal policy and regulatory issues across the different technology industries sectors, reinforcing the credibility, authority and impact of Orgalim’s contribution to the policy making process. Access the full list of our European sector members.

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By joining Orgalim for Corporates, you will become part of a unique network of forward-looking manufacturing leaders, with access to valuable insights and influence on the EU industry agenda. Access the full list of our corporate members.

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Profile Picture

Marie José Grilo Rosa

Executive Assistant and Adviser to the DG