Introducing Orgalim’s Council
Against the backdrop of the EU elections that have reset the EU’s political compass, we have launched the Orgalim Council.
The Council is composed of presidents of national Orgalim member associations and chaired by Orgalim President Javier Ormazabal, President and CEO of Velatia.
By bringing together leading voices from Europe’s technology industry, the Council will offer strategic guidance to Orgalim’s Board of Directors during the upcoming legislative cycle and reinforce our top-level political outreach on shared European priorities.
In these pivotal times for Europe, the Orgalim Council represents a crucial platform for guiding our industry through the challenges ahead, providing strategic direction for our EU political initiatives.
Orgalim President Javier Ormazabal added, "I welcome the joint engagement of the Council members on strengthening the voice of Europe’s technology industries, using our collective impact to build a stronger Europe.”
The inaugural Council meeting was held on 6-7 June in Bilbao and focused on how to reverse the deterioration in Europe’s global competitiveness at a time of profound upheaval both within and outside the EU’s borders. Discussions spanned critical topics such as electricity grid construction and electrification, as well the deployment of advanced manufacturing technologies needed for a more circular and resource-efficient industrial base. These fields are rare examples where European companies are still global champions. We now need the incoming EU leadership to work with Orgalim’s industries on creating the policy framework required to press home the advantage.
The Council will meet twice a year, with the next meeting taking place in the context of the the Orgalim Convention in Helsinki on 29-30 October.