Europe's Technology Industries
Orgalim represents Europe’s technology industries – innovative companies spanning the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, and metal technology branches. Together they represent the EU’s largest manufacturing sector, generating annual turnover of around €2,000 billion, manufacturing one-third of all European exports and providing 11 million direct jobs.
Orgalim represents Europe’s technology industries at EU level: innovative companies across the mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, ICT and metal technology sectors that develop and manufacture the products, systems and services that enable a prosperous and sustainable future.
We work with EU policymakers to shape a future that’s good – not only for our industries, but for Europe’s economy and society as a whole. A framework that supports strong and competitive technology companies can create jobs and sustainable growth while delivering solutions to societal challenges in areas as diverse as energy, healthcare, mobility and beyond.
How can we create a dynamic, competitive European high-tech manufacturing base?
Orgalim's key recommendations offer policymake...